Fire glass is a recycled product that is made out of tempered glass, which makes it an eco-friendly product that reduces waste in landfills. As a safety glass, tempered glass doesn’t explode, melt or produce soot when it’s exposed to flames or high heat. This glass is transformed into small pebbles that can be used in natural gas fireplaces, fire pits or for other landscape purposes for a decorative appeal.
An Alternative to Fake Gas Logs
Fire glass is often used instead of fake ceramic gas logs in natural gas fireplaces or fire pits. It is often difficult to safely cover up the gas lines that you would normally see with a fake log. But with fire glass, it’s possible to safely cover up the appliance’s gas jets without interfering with its operation. An added benefit of choosing fire glass is that glass radiates heat better than a gas log does. This can makes natural gas fireplaces or fire pits more energy-efficient and capable of dispersing heat better.
You can use fire glass in other landscape elements, too. As a safe and nontoxic material, fire glass can be used as an alternative to stone to enhance landscape or water features by adding a little color and aesthetic appeal. It’s available in 25-pound bags in either 1/4” to 1/2” pebble size or 1/2” to 1” pebble size and in four colors:
- Basalt
- Sapphire
- Sequoia
- Turquoise
View our selection of fire glass.