Aldon Products For Tile, Stone, and Brick – Made in the USA
In this article we will cover two Aldon products, Tile Cover, and Lifeguard. Both of these products are for floors that have already been sealed. Wait what!? I’m sure you’re thinking, why would I need to seal over sealer! Of course you’re right so let’s discuss the purpose of these products.
Let’s lead off with Aldon
Tile Cover. In a nutshell this product is designed to make cleaning easier. For example if you have tile with the very fine non-slip surface. You may have noticed it’s difficult to clean and keep clean as dirt sticks to it because the surface is not unlike fine grit sandpaper. Or if you have a slate or honed travertine with a clear penetrating sealer on it, it’s definitely sealed, but the same issue dirt sticks to the textured surface. Enter Tile Cover. This super thin coating helps release the dirt particles for cleaning by filling in some of those recesses, but because of the anti-slip properties you can even seal your shiny smooth tiles and make them less slippery! So do you lose a little anti-slip of the tile? Perhaps a little. But the gain in ease of cleaning is significant by comparison. Does it really change the appearance? Maybe the extremely discerning eye, and if you are one of those types I strongly suggest do a test area, heck even if you not always a good idea to test a sealer out to check for a satisfactory look. When applying, make sure to use an applicator, and apply it t-h-i-n, trust me two thin coats of anything is better than one thick coat. I just had Deja Vu. Secondly make sure the grout is sealed before applying on ceramic tile (I highly recommend color sealing the grout with Modern Stone’s Color Sealer), and make sure any natural stone is sealed. This really goes for both Tile Cover and Lifeguard.
Speaking of Lifeguard. As the name implies it will increase the longevity of your sealed natural stone. But really it
does more than that, not that extending the life of a sealer is not anything to sneeze at! One of the cool things about Lifeguard is the more coats you do the more gloss you get so you have a lot of control over look. But because it also has anti-slipping properties even if you going over an already glossy coating you will be adding anti slip, pretty cool huh? UV protection. Yes Lifeguard is extremely UV resistant, not only does that prevent yellowing, but also protects from color fading and plain UV sun damage. When applying what is it we always want to do with a coating? Yes thin coats. That means don’t pour it, use an applicator to apply. Make sure it’s already sealed, sealers like Modern Stone’s Shine & Seal, Max Guard, and Enhancer are all excellent choices. So you might be wondering by now, are there downsides to these amazing products? Sure. First off standing water, neither of these products fare well in standing water, so if that an issue with the area you intend to seal you’re better off just not (and no spilling water and cleaning it up, or something that will dry in less than an hour is fine). Secondly, do not clean with ammonia. These products can actually be stripped by ammonia based cleaners, although that’s not entirely a bad thing since that sure makes it easy to remove and reapply should the need arise.